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Clues for Fun on Family Game Night

If you’re looking for something to really bring the family together, consider a family game night. Board games like Clue offer an economical and fun solution that will get your whole family to put down their devices and focus on each other. Best of all, there are board games for every age and interest, so your family is sure to find something that everyone can enjoy.

Knowing what games to pick

For many families, choosing which game to play can be as big a decision as selecting a time and place for the family game session. Here, there are a number of questions worth considering. First, it is important to choose games that are age-appropriate. While Risk and Monopoly may sound like the quintessential family board games, they are not likely to be enjoyable for those under a certain age. At the same time, games like Candy Land that are fun for younger kids are not likely to attract a dedicated crowd of 10-year-olds.

Instead, ask your family members to research great games and see what they come up with. Believe it or not, board game design is alive and thriving, with many great games having come out in the past two decades. Some favorites include Seven Wonders, Ticket to Ride, and Santorini. These games have simple rules that are easy to learn, but they provide plenty of strategic depth that will challenge your family to think critically and have more fun. From games of chance to games of strategy, there are plenty of options out there for every taste

Incorporating timeless classics

Of course, those classics are classic for a reason, so even if your family’s introduction to the world of board games comes through newer editions, there is still plenty of fun to be had with older games. Take Clue, for example. Clue has been around for decades, with players dedicated to solving the who, where, and how of a murder mystery. While vintage Clue games can cost considerable amounts of money, most editions of the Clue board game can be had for much less. Clue style games are quite popular, including novelty Clue games. There are Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and many other novelty Clue games. For families with young children, Clue Junior acts as a great way to introduce younger players to the excitement of the game, while making sure that playing is enjoyable for families with children of all ages.