Sit on Top Kayaks

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Sit on top kayaks

Do you love the thought of paddling around streams and rivers from the comfort of your own kayak? Perhaps you're a fisherman, wildlife photographer, diver or swimmer who wants to explore the best of the country's waterways.

If you need durable canoeing and kayaking equipment that's easy to get into and out of, and that can carry all your gear safely, a sit on top kayak could be the perfect option for you.

Professional sit on top kayaks

The Old Town Predator Pedal kayak, in particular, is a high-end sit on top kayaks you can get for manoeuvrability, agility and speed.

Its perfectly designed hull means superb speed while its excellent balance makes standing up a doddle. Plus, as it's a pedal-powered kayak it's easy to control totally hands-free. The Predator Pedal can be mounted in a few seconds and is easy to dock and store.

Family sit on top kayaks

Small families and couples looking for adventure should definitely think about a family-sized triple kayak. It's fun to get some exercise and paddle together in the same kayak, and the Ocean Kayak Malibu Two XL is perfect for just that.

Reliable and strong, the Malibu Two XL can easily seat two large adults and a small-sized child. It also has three different seating positions which is great for solo paddling or a family setup. 13ft 4-inches long, it has plenty of extra space on-deck for keeping all your equipment handy.

Mini sit on top kayaks

If storage space is on the tight side, the Malibu Mini-X Recreational is a great all-rounder and well worth considering. At just 9' 3 inches; long, it's perfect for younger beginners and advanced kayakers alike.

Although the Mini-X is slightly slower than other sit on top kayaks, the fact that it's shorter doesn't give any serious disadvantages. It's stable and sturdy and even though it's smaller can still accommodate larger adults and is a great quality, lightweight kayak.