Toshiba TV Antenna/Tuner

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Everything You Should Know About The Toshiba TV Antenna Tuner

Whether you want to catch up with the outside world or entertain yourself, a TV antenna tuner can give you access to a huge amount of television programming. Capable of working with both televisions and computers, a Toshiba TV Antenna Tuner is handy when you don't have cable readily available.

What is a TV antenna tuner?

A TV antenna tuner enables a computer or TV to pick up the signal produced by TV stations, allowing users to enjoy streaming TV programs using their personal computers or specialized television sets. A TV antenna of this kind can also reproduce these broadcasts in HD. Additionally, through the use of a special cable, it can provide a way of recording TV shows in a manner similar to that used by a digital video recorder (DVR) without you actually having to invest in DVR.

What do you need to use a TV antenna tuner?

There are three basic things you will need in order to use a system of this kind. They are the following:

  • A computer or television with a digital input.
  • A TV antenna tuning system with the proper specifications.
  • Broadcast tower locations that provide OTA (over-the-air) signals in your area.
What types of antenna tuners are there?

There are two basic types of antenna systems available on the market. They are as follows:

  • Digital or HD: Designed for local use, this type of device picks up strong signals that are relatively near, reproducing them in the form of HD images.
  • Amplified antennas: By electrically increasing their own ability to receive signals, amplified devices enable users who live far away from broadcasting towers to receive and experience high-quality images. As a result, this type of antenna is best-suited for people who live in rural areas but still want to enjoy high-quality OTA television.
What is a USB TV Tuner?

Without using cables of any kind, a USB TV-tuning system allows users to receive TV signals straight to their computer. This kind of system does this by converting a streaming video signal that is ready for TV into a format that the computer can understand. It also allows you to manipulate that video to suit your specific needs. This method allows you to have instant access to a video feed. To do so, you only need to plug the USB into a USB port on your computer. Even though most modern USB TV tuning systems will be USB 2.0, it's possible to find one that runs on an older generation connector.

What are the benefits of using an antenna TV tuner?

Without a doubt, the main benefit of using this type of system is the ability to access your local TV stations' free analog and digital signals. Additionally, it gives you the possibility to receive channels that aren't provided by your cable or satellite provider. Lastly, it gives you the security of knowing you will be able to receive a signal at all times, despite any shortcomings of your cable or satellite provider.

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